Blogging Improves Intelligence and Here is Proof!

Blogging Improves Intelligence
Blogging Improves Intelligence

It may sound obvious to you that blogging improves intelligence. After all, if you are using your brain more, it will get stronger. What is not so obvious are the many ways it can make you smarter. Blogging can increase your business intelligence, expand your creativity, provide you with a better perspective on the intelligence around you, and more. Much relies on how you use it, and I am here to help you get smarter, so stop scanning and start reading!

Blog Reading and Commenting is Blogging Too!

When I say blogging, I do not just mean sitting down at your computer to face the arduous task of writing something enlightening for a bunch of imaginary readers each day. I do not mean chugging coffee from early morning until the sun revolves around the earth another time. I do not mean the kind of brain exercise that burns you out after a week, or the huge expenditure of time that full-time writers invest. Get that out of your brain right now, because I want to put some more useful thoughts in there.

When you use blogging the way I will describe it here to boost your intelligence, you will have more creativity to share. Creativity and knowledge are not finite resources. When you use them more, you have more to use.

Community Intelligence Benefits of Blogging

Maybe you have heard the term “blogging community”, but do you really see it as a community? If you do not see blogging as a community, you may not be approaching it right. There are a lot of little blogging communities, and they make up the “blogging world”. There are many great connections to make in that blogging world, and it is best to recognize this fact.

Where are these blogging communities? There are established blogging communities, and then there are less formal blogging communities of people who just seem to read the same blogs and get to know each other with blog commenting and expanding on topics in conversations. Examples of established formal blogging communities include Blog Catalog and Technorati. These communities also stretch into the deepest reaches of that long list of social networks that I have placed on the left side of my blog.

Less Formal Blogging Communities

I am far more engaged in the less formal blogging communities which I have come to know by responding to authors and other blog commenters. Even if I do not communicate with them each day, week, or even month, these are people that have become familiar to me and people with whom I have become familiar. It is a loose community of bloggers that I have come to know and enjoy. Some, but not all of them have their own blogs. When I get to know them by reading and responding to their comments on a blog, I often come to read their blog and find out more of their opinions. The same thing works in reverse, too. If people are interested in what you have to say, they will often want to know a bit more about you.

Notice that most blogs have a place to include your website address when you add a comment, thus creating a link to you show who you are. If you are making useful contributions and provide good input on a topic in the blog’s comments, people use those links! It is a fantastic way to meet others and build relationships, whether for personal or business purposes. It is also an extremely useful way for people to come to know you!

I have found that when I blindly venture out to find new blogs, I discover a lot more horrible writing than I find intelligence. Conversely, when I look to my communities, I find people with viewpoints and writing that interests me and stimulates my thoughts.

As you discover and step into a community of blogging, you can grow your confidence with a greater sense of security that what you are reading will benefit you. These are the blogs where you will learn at the best pace, because they make you think about something of interest to you. When you are stimulated by the content, the rest starts to come much easier.

Are you feeling smarter yet? Keep reading and get those brain cells pumping some iron. I will get to the proof that it makes you more intelligent, be patient.

Blogging Doesn’t Just Mean Writing Blog Posts

It should be obvious by now that a person does not have to master a language to be a blog writer. It offers a very low barrier of entry for writing, so there are a lot of novice writers. They are still learning, and with a lot of dedication they may get really good at it. Jumping into writing frequent blog posts can be intimidating, time consuming, and it can hold some hard lessons. There must be an easier way for non-writers to improve their skills and get their brains in shape for producing better content.

Most people are not born as great writers. In fact, many people with advanced college degrees are still terrible writers. It seems that many people dread writing, so it should be no surprise that they never became good at it. It horrifies some people to imagine coming up with something to write about and then putting it into a proper structure for public consumption. Do not worry about it … blogging does not mean you have to do a lot of writing! However, it is best to do some writing in order to receive the best benefits and expand your talents.

Reading and commenting on blogs is often a great way to find out just how right or wrong your thinking is before you apply it to your own brilliant literary works. I should note that I spend a lot more time reading and commenting on other blogs than I spend writing my own blogs. It makes me stronger as a writer and it gets the hamsters in my brain jumping.

Very Few Bloggers Are Brilliant 100 Percent of the Time!

Don’t worry; you do not always have to be brilliant. I think it is a huge fear for a lot of people that if they don’t have something brilliant to say that they don’t say anything. Fortunately for you, there is a burning desire to become more intelligent. This brings me to the point about proving that blogging makes a person more intelligent.

Maybe I stimulated your thoughts on how to engage in blogging as a community, or how discovering thought provoking friends can be a benefit. In any event, you read this and you are now aware of another viewpoint … my viewpoint. With that viewpoint and the others expressed in the comments to this article, you will have just a little more understanding of the world around you and how people think.

Most importantly, you can surely see the enormous benefits to using blogging as a communications tool, and how two-way communications can be far more beneficial to learning than only one. Now if you want the best proof of how blogging improves intelligence, add your comments and learn about other reader’s viewpoints. That is where the real proof comes in. Just watch what happens when all of my brilliant readers get to communicating!

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5 Common Reasons Blogs Fail

I recently wrote an article titled “10 Really Good Reasons to Blog” and if the reasons blogs fail caught your eye, you should really read the one on good reasons to blog.

I got to thinking about how there is another side to the coin. There are some common reasons blogs fail. This is the short list. I am not going to keep you long. Read it, think about it for just a moment, and do what you will with it.

  1. The author gets “too busy” and realizes that they do not have the same amount of time every other successful blogger has. They were robbed at birth by a debilitating disorder called “busy” and their day only has 23 hours.
  2. The author is greedy, and since this Internet thing isn’t paying out like they were so sure it would, they are taking their remaining money and heading to the casino.
  3. The author writes poorly and had no business trying to author a blog in the first place.
  4. Nobody is interested in the subject matter (I saw this once, but then even the blog about Strawberry Shortcake and the Flying Green Monkeys had a few readers).
  5. The readers, although plentiful, did not take the time to participate in the discussion.

5 Solutions to These 5 Common Reasons Blogs Fail

  1. Stop being lazy. You still have 24 hours every day like the rest of us … go buy a new watch and see for yourself. If you feel like you have less time, you are probably just not using it wisely.
  2. Stop listening to liars. The Internet is not your mother. Getting fed takes effort. Make more effort.
  3. Hire a second grade student. Seriously … at least then you will have a good excuse for not knowing the differences between two, too, and to; your and you’re; it’s and its; or their, there, and they’re. If you don’t think the second grader will work for you, then you are probably smart enough to hire a better writer.
  4. Everything has an audience. Do you recall that Charles Manson guy who got in some trouble for killing? Yes, even he has fans!
  5. Add your comments here on my blog. Anything else is on the verge of criminal abuse of my thoughtful work.

Tynt Helps Track Content When it Leaves Your Website

Tynt content tracking has some great uses and is extremely simple to implement. I just cannot figure out why more people are not using it. My guess is that they will!

I am a fan of knowledge. I love to know things, and this is especially true when it comes to Websites. I use a lot of tools to track what people are doing on my sites. I use Google Analytics (of course), and I love Clicky Web Analytics because I like to watch what people are doing on my site in real time (yes, I see you there, reading and copying stuff). I use BackType and Disqus, and many other great applications to keep a finger on the pulse of what is around me. Of course, not the least of these is Twitter.

What is Tynt and How Can it Help Track Content?

Today I want to share a handy tool called Tynt. What is it? It is really very simple. It helps to track content that is copied from your Website. People copy and paste things from Websites all the time. It is often just to share it with others in an email message, their Facebook, or on their blog. For the most part, it is a really great thing, and often innocent rather than theft of your content.

Tynt makes it easier to not only know what they are copying, but also to help them provide attribution. When they copy something from your site, it will automatically add additional information that you specify to their clipboard. In my case, I just have it add the page title and the Web address for where they found it. However, you can also add additional information, such as Creative Commons Licensing, an advertisement, or some other greeting.

It does not stop there. Tynt also reports back to you with what was copied and statistics on the copied content. You can choose to receive emailed reports, and you can even have it automatically post the most popular text copied from your Website to your Twitter account!

It is still simple for somebody to delete the additional information, so it is not really for thwarting content theft. There are other great tools for that (which I also use). In this case, it is more about knowing what people found compelling, outside of the commonly measured metrics like page views, time on page, and sharing statistics.

Perhaps the best way I can explain this is if you simply select some text from this page and paste it somewhere … anywhere. Just copy a little piece of this post and paste it in the comments below to see what I mean (or a text editor, or anywhere else). You may be surprised just how cool it really is. Oh, and there is a FREE version of Tynt! Here is some more information about Tynt.

Please add your comments and tell me what you think about Tynt.

10 Really Good Reasons to Blog

You and I know good reasons to blog. Hundreds of millions of bloggers know good reasons to blog. It still amazes me when I find people who really do not understand all of the very important reasons why individuals and companies write blogs and comment on blogs, often. Maybe you don’t write a blog, and you just enjoy reading them and adding your comments, or maybe you are a full time super-blogger. In either case, it never hurts to review some of the basics. Here is a list of ten really good reasons to blog. I invite you to add to this list in my blog’s comments … as it should be.

Reason to Blog Number One:

Blogs Give More Than They Take

Blogs provide value to readers, and if they don’t, they will not have readers. Blogs normally have valuable information to offer, and differ greatly from typical static Websites that are more focused on one-way communication and sales copy. They open conversations and welcome people to answer questions, ask questions, and become more familiar with you, your ideas, your brand, and your product. Blogs are commonly produced in the spirit of creating good information that people can use and appreciate. This often creates a valuable shift in thinking for both the blog author and the reader.

Reason to Blog Number Two:

Static Pages Are Like Old Newspapers!

A static Website is like a newspaper, while a blog is a subscription. What do you do with a newspaper after you read it? You don’t toss the subscription out, but you will toss out the pages you’ve already read.

The contents of a static Website are far less likely to be discussed and even less likely to be re-blogged and linked to by others. A static Website is far less likely to make sense or be found at Blog Catalog, Technorati, Reddit, Digg, StumbleUpon, Mixx, and etcetera.

Promoting a boring old static Website is like an advertisement, whereas a blog is like a conversation that is enhanced by others’ input. Do you want to converse about your interests or hang a sign and hope for the best?

Reason to Blog Number Three:

Google Wants to Find You!

Google and other search engines want to find you. It is their job to know everything there is to know about every industry, every person, every question, and every answer. Having information about every possible topic is a basis for their industry. Blogs make it far easier for them to find this information. If you think this is a myth, just ask yourself why the stuff running through your head is not streaming to Google in near-real-time. Mine is. From the time I publish this article to the time it is indexed in Google, I will likely not even make it to the coffee pot. The last blog post I wrote was there, and listed on the first page of Google for “How to Sell SEO” in under six minutes. That is not always the way it goes, but then, it is for people who put forth the effort to do so. Now, highly competitive SEO is a pretty “bouncy” thing in Google, but I can assure you it will do well, just as many articles I wrote 8-10 years ago have. For example, just do a search for “h1 tags” on Google and I can assure you I am in the top two results with an article at that I wrote well over five years ago. Once you create good content that sticks, it is worth the time it took to create it. There are thousands of people reading things that I wrote a decade ago, and each article adds to that collection. That is the power of a blog. Now, if you are thinking about blogging, think of it like this: If you want a shade tree in your yard, when is the best time to plant it?

*Note: This blog post was indexed on Google in under 15 minutes!*

Reason to Blog Number Four:

Time Builds Trust

A wildly popular blog post may be just the gas you need to fuel your business, but that is being shortsighted. I have created things that gave me a huge return on investment, and quickly, but don’t count on that. When you think of reasons to blog, branding should be enough to push you over the tipping point. Just consider these lines, and tell me if you recognize them:

  • You deserve a break today!
  • Have a _______ and a smile.
  • Don’t squeeze the _______!
  • When _______ talks, people listen.

If you have not been under a rock for the past thirty years, you know at least a couple of these. It is because they are branded. It took these brands hundreds of millions, and in some cases billions of dollars to build their name. A good lesson to take from these successes is in consistently being visible.

You will probably not build a name like these with a blog alone, but it is your next best alternative to the decades of work and billions of dollars noted above.

Reason to Blog Number Five:

Your Competition Has Been Blogging for Years

An important reason to blog is that if you are not doing it, you are missing out. You may not think you are missing huge business from it, but over time, it can and will affect your market share.

I look at it from a standpoint of longevity, as anybody in business should. It is easy to think that the impact it has today is small, but that is often not the case. I explained the search engine optimization benefits of blogging, and the branding benefits of blogging. You surely cannot imagine that your competition is doing it just to throw time and money away, right?

Reason to Blog Number Six:

Blogging is Fun!

Blogging can be great fun. I would not expect most people to have as much fun blogging as I do, but something is better than nothing. I know it may seem like it is time consuming or hard to know what to say, but I see it like any exercise, and it is easier all the time. I do not spend my days struggling with what to write on my blogs. In fact, I find it quite manageable. That is coming from a guy with a blog for everything from my race team to my catch all blog where I put the goofy stuff that just doesn’t fit anywhere else. I have my video blogs (QikYouTube), blogs about each of my books, and blogs about blogs. I have so many to choose from, my biggest challenge is which one I want to create something for today.

Reason to Blog Number Seven:

Blogs Can Teach you A Lot

We each have interests. Whatever interests you, I can assure you there is a blog for that, and an audience for a blog about it. Reading the thoughts of others can be fascinating, and being able to reach into their world with your comments and questions is enlightening. When you don’t find just what you were looking for, it is a good sign that you should be blogging. Whether it is for business or a hobby, blogging about your interests and hearing what others have to say can be very helpful.

If you think that there is not an audience for it, think again. Everything is exciting for somebody, and you may be shocked how many people you will find who think a whole lot like you.

Reason to Blog Number Eight:

Syndicate This! RSS Feed

Syndication is bliss, and RSS is important. Perhaps you are not entirely familiar with RSS feeds, but you have surely heard of them, and received information by way of them, even if you didn’t know it.

I know there are a lot of people who may think that to “subscribe” to a blog sounds kind of tricky. “What? You mean I need a feed reader? Isn’t that what blind people use or something?”

There are many ways that RSS allows people to see a blog, even outside of directly subscribing to the RSS feed. For example, this post will land on my Author Page, Author Profile, Blog Catalog, Technorati, a long list of others that will receive the “ping”, and a big portion of the huge list of social profiles on the left side of my blog. It is like magic! My RSS feed syndicates this information all over the place.

Just how confused are some people about the importance of RSS feeds as they relate to blogging? Here you go … I have a story for you.

Earlier this evening I was informed by a client that although there is a massively visible prompt to subscribe to her RSS feed or email publication, her clients “will never (REPEAT) never know or understand how to do this.” She was really becoming stressed that people were asking her how to subscribe to her blog’s RSS feed, because they had never used a feed reader before. She still has her email publication, and RSS is just another option now. Mind you, her primary market is an educated and affluent group who can master this, and with both RSS and email, I think she has it covered.

Of course, I had an answer. In fact I had a few answers. Please note that I am not a pansy with my clients, and I will tell them what they need to hear, and not just what they want to hear. I am not a salesman. I am here to help clients do more business and reach more people. Whether they love me or hate me is less concern than whether I reach their objectives, which subsequently makes them love me. My responses included the following statements:

“It seems that your focus is on reaching the ones you are already reaching, but little on the millions of people who subscribe to blogs that you are not reaching.

“… you may come to find that it is a fantastic way to both communicate with ongoing clients, and find those bizarre and gawky millions of people who understand how to subscribe to blogs.”

“One view is not a world view. With over 350,000,000 Facebook users and unknown hundreds of millions of blogs, the picture you paint is one that shows me even more reason you are now blogging. I will not ask you to trust me in your refrigerator, but with regard to this Internet, I require it. What you see is a tiny piece of a much larger picture … Much larger than you have a way of seeing.”

Now what I must point out is that my client had grave concern that her clients were contacting her to figure out how to subscribe to her RSS feed. She also has an email subscription, and now that she has a blog, people are begging for it. Now please, people, tell me how this statement from my client sounds: “So far I have 8 people asking me how to subscribe to the blog.  I hope this doesn’t continue at such a high pace.  I’ll try to have faith.”

Here is my answer, and I hope you can see it the same way:

“I hope it continues at a much higher pace. Why would you not want people begging to interact with you? You really are looking at things from a (industry) head instead of a business head. Change your perspective and look at how cool it is to have so much more attention to what you are doing. You didn’t even have a blog a few weeks ago, and now you are stressed that people are rushing to find out about it? I think what you have totally failed to see is how tragic it is you didn’t do this years ago.”

I tried to console her with the fact that RSS is only one more way people can choose to interact with her and further syndicate her content. It does not mean email is now obsolete.

Reason to Blog Number Nine:

The Author’s Point of View is Never the Only One

Blogging is not all about creating a blog of your own. When I say “reasons to blog” I also mean participating in blogs. The author’s point of view is never the only one. Reading comments and responding to the author and other readers can provide benefit in multiple ways. It can give you varying perspectives. It can introduce you to others with similar interests, and if you write something with a little thought behind it, you may be shocked what comes from it.

Nearly every blog has a place to put your Web address.  Whether it goes to your own blog, company Website, Twitter, Facebook, or other address is up to you. I have met some great people who followed a link from a comment I left on a blog and wanted to know more about me. I also do this all the time. I recently found a blog that I enjoy because the blog author replied to my comment on another blog. I followed the link back to her blog and found that she writes about things similar to my recent book, “Living in the Storm”. I like her blog, and I will be back to read it again … and participate.

Sure, I told you that I have a blog for about everything, and that I have a lot of fun blogging. Perhaps most importantly, I participate in other peoples’ blogs. A lot of the fun I have with blogs is in adding my creative commentary on other people’s articles and joining in the communication.

Reason to Blog Number Ten:

It is Your Turn!

What do you have to say about it? This is not rocket surgery. I want to hear your reasons for blogging, and I want your comments on why you comment on blogs. Indulge me! 🙂

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Social Feed in Google Search Results

Do you see your Twitter updates or recent blog posts in Google? Well, of course you should. I would be pretty surprised to write a blog post and not see it show up in Google … at least at some point. However, it is taken up a notch with the near-real-time “Latest Results” section in Google search results.

What do I mean? Here is an example Google search for “murnahan“. Under the “Latest Results” it will show you what I sent on Twitter just a moment ago, instead of only a link to my Twitter account.

Social Feed in Google Search Results

I heard it stated in a recent talk at Integrated Marketing Summit in St. Louis, that Google and Bing are the largest users of social media. It is true that when you break it down, their algorithms base results on community popularity. When something has a lot of incoming links, the ranking improves. The success of a site’s Bing or Google ranking is largely based on people voting it up by linking to it.

Social media really is a basis for search engine rankings, even when it is not as immediate or as conversational as you find with Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, LinkedIn, and etcetera. It is still social media.

I have heard some people say they like this this, some said they do not, and others on the fence. In my opinion, it shows that Google is working very smart to keep up with the massive explosion of real-time social media, and doing a nice job of it. I think it may also help to remind people just how interconnected the many social media sites really are, and remind them to watch what they do with their social media presence.

Where do you stand? I would like to hear your thoughts on Google’s addition of Twitter and other social media feeds in search results. Please add your comment here on my blog.