The Business of Money, Marriage, and Marketing

Does Upbringing Affect Your Business?
Does Upbringing Affect Your Business?
Money is a huge topic for businesses and marriage alike, and they are each influenced greatly by psychology. The psychology surrounding money is so profound that many of us lose all sight of why we do the things we do … and why others do the things they do. Losing sight of the power and myths of money will often create a huge confusion and misrepresentation for people in their marketing efforts. Yes, I am tying money, marriage, and marketing all together, and I will not get to the point in only a couple paragraphs, but upbringing and psychology really do have a place here in marketing. Here are just a couple thoughts for your day, and I hope you can find ways to use this.

I could write all day on the topic of people’s psychology surrounding money. Perhaps this is because I have been in business for a while … over 20 years. In that time, I have controlled squillions of dollars. I have seen how even the topic of money makes people squirm. Sales representatives may love to show their product, but when it comes time to ask for the money, it is the scary and uncomfortable moment of “yes” or “no”. Money is a top cause of divorce, and yet, seldom the top cause of happiness. I can say these things about money and back them with statistics, and I can say them from experience, because I demystified it by making a ton of money. I have earned money at rates that would make some countries jealous. I have also lost money at rates that would make most people leave a pucker mark in their seat. I know both sides of the money deal. I also know that overcoming money and doing great things for great purposes and putting the fears away can create even more joy, inspiration, and success than chasing the dollar. I even wrote a great (of course I say “great”) book about creating joy and inspiration. No, I didn’t write it for the money, either.

Basics of Money and Psychology

So, let’s look at the basics first: A business needs money to survive. They use their money to create more money. Of course, without money, a business cannot survive. Tragically, when left to their own devices, many businesses will focus more on what they sell, and forget to properly address this one essential fact: Every decision about money is made by a person. Even decisions coming from the most brilliant boardrooms and teams of financial experts still come down to people. They make decisions the best they can based on information, and some of the most important information comes from their experience. This means that their psychology plays an enormous role in whether they decide to do business with you or not. Regardless of the job role, whether it is as a spouse, executive, or etcetera, they rely on their decisions to please themselves and / or others around them. Making the wrong decision of buying from your company could come in the way of the things they seek. Are you surprised? Probably not, but how much do you consider this in your marketing?

The topic of psychology of money came to mind while I was on the phone with my wife as she was driving home from taking our kids to her parents home for a visit. Our kids will spend about a week with their grandparents, as they do each summer. They will catch toads, get muddy, and ride horses. We will miss them very much, but it is a great adventure for them.

We got to talking about the years we have spent together and the ways our upbringing still influences our companies. We will soon celebrate our eighth wedding anniversary, and we have spent nearly every day of the last ten years together, working, playing, and raising our family. We talked about the way her parents once really doubted our decisions and our ways of being self-employed and owning multiple companies. When we merged two of our companies back in 2001, I recall her parents liking me and hating me at the same time. We spent every dollar we had to build a business and create something big for our future. Her parents have always worked for companies and had a great sense of security from that. They raised their daughter (my wife) to think that way, too. They often did not understand our ways of sacrificing today for tomorrow, and the struggles it would require. I understand how a parent thinks. I have three kids. I want good things for them and I want them to always be secure.

It made me think of two dramatically different psychological approaches to money. There are the kind like them, who feel more secure with other people’s decisions about money. The company will handle all of the money, and they will give the employees their cut, in the form of a paycheck. Then, there is the kind who run the companies, make hard decisions about money for other people, and have what some would consider a risk taker mentality. I was raised by entrepreneurs who never understood the idea of having a job. It rubbed off, and I think working for somebody as an employee would be about the scariest thing. Actually relying on the mood or means of a boss to feed my family spooks the heck out of me. It seems to me that either approach has its risks. Either has its long term and short term advantages and disadvantages. I think most people live their lives in a safe space somewhere between my wife’s parents and my parents. They find a comfort zone that keeps them feeling good.

I say to heck with the comfort zone … you will never experience “spectacular” being comfortable. Your sofa is comfortable, too, but seldom very productive. That is just me … and yes, it gives me that crazy little edge you may have picked up on.

Companies have had a lot of shake-ups in the last couple years. People are doing jobs they never expected to do. Many have entered business ownership against their will or their plans. Markets have changed, and jobs are scary … self-employed or otherwise. Many people react with more caution than ever, and it is hard to call them “wrong” for this. Much of the reaction in a marketplace comes from psychology, and when it involves money, there is sure to be a look-back into their upbringing and the things which made them who they are.

Be careful how you address these matters of money and psychology. You may have to justify your cost more than ever. You may have to develop a more meaningful call to action and a better value proposition. It will make your company stronger and better than ever. It will probably cost money, too. Don’t fight it when it is for your benefit.

Push Your Marketing “Go” Button

Push Your Marketing Go Button!
Push Your Marketing Go Button!
People dream up a lot of excuses to postpone positive action in their business. In decades of serving clients with marketing services, I must have heard them all. I want to distill a bit of that for you here, and hopefully boost your courage a bit.

I often feel like a police officer listening to peoples’ excuses for speeding. I mean, I should write another book just filled with the awful excuses I have heard from businesses over the years for how and why they messed everything up. By the time it gets to the “judge”, all of those excuses only embarrass the “speeder”. Now put all excuses aside and tell me if you can relate to this. I’ll bet it will sound kind of familiar. You may get a laugh, or you may get a fright.

Let’s first get one thing straight: If your business was simple, everybody would be doing it, and you would be out of a job. Business has its challenges, but there are huge rewards for doing the things others are unwilling or afraid to do.

Money Can Stop Business in Its Tracks!

One thing that seems to stop most businesses in their tracks is money. Actually, the lack of money, or fears surrounding money is what kills them. I have found that money is one of the greatest concerns to most business people. Imagine that! This one basic requisite of business is the same thing stopping them from having more of this one basic thing. It is like a loop … without more money, they don’t have more money. With more money, they get more money. It is crazy how that works, don’t you think?

I have found that with enough money, even a pretty bad business person can at least begin to solve most business issues. Money cannot fix it all, but more money can certainly help to solve the most common business problems. Money can buy better attorneys, it can buy better accountants, and it can buy better talent in most every area of a business. Let’s not lie … at least not to yourself. Sure, lie to me if you must, but really, just think about how much more you can do with a business if you have more money. I know this and you know this, so let’s not beat around that bush.

REMEMBER THIS: In business, the bottom line starts with a dollar sign.

When it comes down to it, money is the biggest reason people make bad decisions in their business, or worse yet, make no decisions at all. It paralyzes people and it clouds their judgment. So the big concern is how to bring a business beyond that hurdle of money.

How do you get your hands on more money? Do you beg a bank for more money? Do you rob a bank, a train, or a liquor store? How about this for an idea? Do more of the things that your business does to generate revenue. In many businesses, this means finding more people to buy a product or service, but in nearly every case it means finding more people … or them finding you!

A Look at Your Marketing Funnel

Let us look at your marketing funnel. I will use the basic idea of a marketing funnel to explain my point. At the top, where the funnel is the widest, you have the people who are aware of your offering. As the funnel narrows, you have people who are thinking about you and may become a customer someday. Closer to the bottom where the money gushes out, you have those hot prospects urgently grabbing their credit cards or check books to do business with you. This is just a basic introduction to the marketing funnel, but you get the point, right? Now let’s look at a couple ways people hurt their business waiting on the marketing funnel.

Waiting for Slower Times

Something I see very troubling in many businesses is that they hold off on their marketing until that biggest bulk of their current sales funnel comes through before they think it is time to get busy marketing. Instead of keeping the funnel full and adding more to it, they wait and see how things come through the funnel before they take action and push the “go” button.

This happens for a couple reasons. One excuse I sometimes hear is that the business is so busy they don’t have time to look forward to the next big rush of customers coming through the funnel. When they are not too busy, they cannot afford to market the business properly. So they go through these violent changes in business … up one day, down the next. The business is like a roller coaster ride.

Being “too busy” is as bad as the lie a teenage boy tells his girlfriend in the back seat of the car … at night … at a scenic overlook. Yeah, lie to a girlfriend, but don’t lie to me. I already heard this one.

Everybody has the same 24 hours in a day, and successful business people make time to be sure their business will still survive after the funnel slows down again. When I hear people say they are too busy to care for their future, I often find that they are simply not marketing in a way that is sustainable. They are the same kind who run a big special when they need more business, and they will have to do it again in a few months or weeks. They often waste a ton of money by marketing in this way, and die early from all of the stress it causes.

A better answer is to create a steady flow of business and make the peaks and valleys smoother. Scheduling is easier, accounting is easier, and production is easier. Everything becomes much more profitable and enjoyable with a sustained marketing plan instead of acting from urgency.

NOTE: This kind of business person commonly lies about their business health. They say they are busy, but it is often because they are busy trying to pay back all of the debt they created the last time the funnel went dry. This is sadly a very common approach taken by small business owners.

Waiting for Better Times

I am often reminded of something my mother told me many years ago. She said “Mark, if you wait until you are ready to have kids, you will never be a father.” I am glad I heard her advice, because today I have three children that bring huge amounts of joy to my life, and the lives of many others.

I think of this as the person who is just waiting for a big windfall to come. They have it all mixed up by believing they will be ready to market their business after they gain enough business to afford a marketing plan. They have placed the money cart in front of the marketing horse. It is a very hopeful person who really believes in their business, but just not quite enough to take the necessary risks to make it successful.

I usually find these people to be very energetic and hopeful. They are refreshing, because they come with the positivity of a child. They also often come with the budget of a child, but if you talk to them in six months or a year, all of that will be miraculously sorted out and they will be ready to push the go button then.

The harshest reality for this person is how much time and money they wasted by doing what they thought would minimize their risk. The worst risk for them of all was inaction. Not doing what they should have done has cost them dearly, both in actual loss and in opportunity loss.

I will hear from this person again, in their next venture. They will be ready to get their marketing plan started in another six months or a year.

Assumptions and Fears About Marketing

I watch a lot of people make assumptions about marketing, and they bolster those assumptions with fear. Call it fear, apprehension, diligence, or whatever you like. Waiting around and thinking about it until it paralyzes your business is not the answer. Taking action and being brave in your decisions is in order.

I have heard a lot of stories, and one I have heard a lot is “Oh, but you must be so expensive.” Here is something to think about: The expensive thing about marketing is trying to make more money without it. Thomas Jefferson said it well with this statement: “The man who stops advertising to save money is like the man who stops the clock to save time.” The reality is that marketing is what keeps your funnel full and makes businesses more money … not less.

I guess I could consider it kind of flattering when somebody looks at my experience and my marketing talent and makes the assumption that I must be extremely expensive. Wow, if I can make myself seem that valuable, don’t you wonder what happens to the value of your products or services when you push the go button?

I Gave You a Go Button!

I could go on a long time about the mistakes businesses make in their marketing considerations. The worst and most costly of all is to do nothing and wait on that marketing funnel to start pouring out the results without action on your part.

You have my permission to be successful in your business. In fact, you have my encouragement. There really is no better time, and things will not just better on their own. Go ahead and push the go button … Do it NOW!

Social People in an Anti-Social World

Should social media be renamed to “friendship media” or does that kill the business?

There is something really bitchy about social media. People tell people how to “do it right” and then a bunch of people hash it out and poke fun at the ones who “screw it up”. It is all just so confusing. Am I supposed to be social or not? What is social? Does social equal personal? Is business anti-personal? Get your thoughts moving and join this discussion of social media.

Here are three important questions to consider about business and personal interactions as they relate to social media.

  • Are you less likely to buy from somebody who is too personal? If this is the case, then why do so many businesses using social media keep believing it when others insist that social media is strictly friendship media?
  • Are you less likely to buy from somebody who is too “business”? If this is the case, then why do people feel awkward about doing business with friends?
  • What is the tipping point, and how do you view the balance?

Social Does Not Mean Anti-Business!

I hear a lot of people talk about social media as if “social” means that it should not include anything relating to business. That is quite laughable, really. If it has to do with how you achieve your food supply, I would say that it is pretty downright personal. Perhaps a few too many people do not understand the fact that social, although it applies in many ways, is not the opposite of business. Social means “relating to human society and its members” and that includes many things. That does not mean it is all a party and that we do it just for friendship. Yes, it even includes business. So how do we relate this?

Having something to offer in exchange for something is not a horrible thing. Kids in a lunchroom learn bartering early by trading a cookie for pudding or a ham sandwich for peanut butter and jelly. Sure, there may be conflict from time to time, but just because it includes items does not mean the interaction is less personal.

I witnessed an example of this in my own home just moments ago. We had a guest overnight. It was my son’s lifelong friend, Jacob. Our families are friends. At about 10:30 this morning when his mother was picking him up, she told my wife that she needs a birthday cake for Jacob’s brother, Caleb. Caleb is turning four. He wants a Star Wars cake.

What is the Relationship and Where Are the Boundaries?

My wife is a fantastic baker. I mean, her cakes are really something special, and I would put her up against any pastry chef for the best tasting and beautiful cakes. Our friends have known her talent for a long time, and always loved it when she brings a dish to the party.

When Rebecca asked her to make a cake for Caleb’s birthday party, does it seem odd that Peggy quoted her forty dollars? Does that seem impersonal? Does the tone change when I tell you that my wife and I own a cakes and confections company. Did something change here? Are we any less personal? Are we still friends, or did we just switch hats and become all-business?

Do We Change Hats to Do Business?

I guess for some people it can seem uncomfortable to do business with friends. The strange flip side of this is the fact people want to do business with people they like and trust. Where are the boundaries and how cynical is it to believe that we should not be friends because we do business or do business because we are friends?

Some people would see it that Rebecca should have gone to the grocery store for a cake. After all, if Peggy screws up the Star Wars cake, Rebecca will probably hate her forever. Strangely, Rebecca would probably not hate the grocery store for screwing up the cake, but with a friend, there is a different expectation.

Maybe she only came to Peggy because she feels obligated. Maybe not. Maybe she would have asked Peggy to do it even if she was not in the business.

The Relationship of Friends and Business

This is a question and not a dissertation. What do you believe about the boundaries of friendship and business? You want to know, like, and trust the people you do business with, right? Is there a level of closeness of the relationship that takes you out of the market for that person’s services?

Consider the three questions I posed earlier and tell me what you think.