I’ve Been a Bad Social Networker!

I hope you can relate to this recognition of friends the way I do. When I think about the friends I meet through social networking, it brings a mental image. The particular friends that come to mind at any moment change based on my mood, or based on things around me. If I feel comical, I may think of friends who make me laugh, and if I feel intellectual, I may think about friends who make me think. These friends are a part of my life, just as much as the friends I see for lunch, or for coffee at my favorite coffee shops. These relationships deserve my attention, and when my attention to them is lessened by other things around me it can feel a bit awkward.

I would like you try and recall some of the friends you have made with which somehow the communication has faded in time. Perhaps you cannot recall why, or you had little control over the circumstances, but the communication has slowed down. One instance that comes to mind is a good friend, Jeff. I used to spend more time riding motorcycles with Jeff. Since my work has been in overdrive all year, and with a newborn baby in the house, I have not spent much time on my chopper, which is one of my favorite hobbies. We still talk now and then, but there is a kind of disappointment that we surely must remedy with a good road trip. I am still Jeff’s good friend, but life got in the way temporarily. Another reversed example is my good friend, Mike. Mike is a state legislator, and while he is in session, he becomes really busy. We still talk often, but with our busy lives it can become far too easy to lack communication. Fortunately, I spent much of my day yesterday helping Mike with a project, followed by a cookout at my home with our wives and children. It was a real treat!

How I Was a Bad social Networker

So how have I been a bad social networker? Similar to the instances above, I feel that I have neglected many of my friends here at my blog, and also Twitter, Ustream, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other social networking sites. This is something I always try to warn people against. After all, if you have invested your time in a relationship only to neglect it, it is worse than never having forged these relationships at all.

Why I have Been Bad

I have tried to make my excuse obvious, and I hope that people will understand. If you feel like I have neglected you, I want to be sure you know why.

On Sunday 10 May, I decided to write a book. A number of people have asked me to write it, and I believe I have a good message to share, so I decided to go for it. Since it was Mother’s Day, I did not begin the book that day, but rather I would begin on Monday the 11th. I decided to finish writing the book that week. That’s right, I wrote a book in a week! If you have ever written a book, you can surely understand how my days went. It was a big job, but I got it done. The reason I decided to write it in a week was to minimize the time I would be away from my social networks.

So the book is done? Well, not entirely done, but the initial writing is done. The book is now in a second round of editing, and it is all looking very good. I have two highly experienced editors combing through the book, and both of them have been very flattering to me. It should not be surprising that there is a whole lot more to producing a book than just writing the initial content.

What is This Book About?

The book is about practical use of Twitter and includes many tools for buliding relationships for both business and friendships. The title is “Twitter for Business: Twitter for Friends”. I feel very confident that this book will be a valuable resource for new and experienced Twitter users alike. I will provide a more in-depth review of the book soon.

When Does the Book Come Out?

I will let you know more very soon, but I anticipate having the book in print and available for sale within the next two or three weeks.

I Miss My Friends!

I miss my friends and the many engaging moments that we share. I promise to be back to my regular blogging, Tweeting, Facebooking, and etcetera, very soon! I hope that if you should choose to read my book, that it will make up for the time I have neglected you, and that you will forgive me. 🙂

Twitter Username Selection: What’s in a Twitter Name?

Twitter username selection may not be my most interesting blog post, but the stories behind them may be. I want to keep this short, because what I am really after is your input. I wish to use some of this information in the release of the book, Twitter for Business: Twitter for Friends. I want to know if there is a story behind the Twitter username name you selected, so please share your story, and I will tell you mine.

I am @murnahan

My Twitter username does not have a particularly unique story, as it is simply my surname, @murnahan, which has become a personal brand. My wife is @pegmu, which is her first name and part of her last. Her name is Peggy Murnahan, so @pegmu fit and sounded cute. When her name was chosen, length was a consideration in the selection. When I helped a friend choose his username, I suggested keeping it short, due to the limitation of 140 characters on Twitter. He really got it right with @uj1. His name is Uday Jadhav. I don’t think he could have done a lot better to keep it short and sweet.

How did you choose your Twitter username?

Did you consider length when choosing your Twitter username? Did you use a name that carried over from another service such as Google, Yahoo, Digg, etcetera?

It is your turn to share. Tell your story, and give your username. Be sure that you enter the URL for your Twitter profile (example: http://twitter.com/username), because you never know who you may meet.